Dan Bartram

Dan Bartram (6)

Assembly: Rudder

Dates: 6/28/2024 - 7/21/2024 The rudder started out great, but near the end it was a bit challenging. We were very worried about not ending up with a straight trailing edge, so much of the time spent on this part was due to researching, reading,…

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Assembly: Vertical Stabilizer Part 2

The next steps were delayed because I accidentally mis-aligned the squeezer when dimpling one of the holes on the rear spar. After consulting with Van's, I ordered a new rear spar. The rest of the vertical stabilizer went well and we are happy with how…

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Priming Empennage Parts

All the parts for the tailkit section have been deburred and re-labeled, so today we spent about 8 hours preparing and priming the parts. We decided to use PreKote and ScotchBrite pads to lightly scuff and clean the aluminum to ensure the primer had good…

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Deburring Parts

Spent the last few sessions deburring all the parts in preparation for priming. This also involved removing the blue plastic covering most of the parts.

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